I just can't resist vintage Christmas decorations. My largest Nativity set is displayed on the buffet in my dining room. Most of the Nativity figures are from a set I purchased from an antique dealer 25 years ago. The colors are vibrant and rich. This set is German, as the figures are not as twisted as the Nativity sets made in Italy. I have added German Putz animals to the set and a few German angels as well.
My stable is not as old. I would love to find an old German stable that was the right scale. I collected smaller sets from the thrift stores for each of my children and they would always set them up in their bedrooms under there own special Christmas tree. They would move the animals around and never put Baby Jesus in until December 24th. These are the wonderful memories of Christmas time! Figures for vintage Nativity sets were sold at Woolworth's and Five and Dime stores for less than a dollar. Families would buy a new figure each year. I can just imagine a family going downtown to look at the beautifully decorated windows and Christmas decorations and carefully selecting a new figure for their creche.
My set has some unique figures. I even have a camp fire with a soup pot for the shepherds.
If I had to pick a favorite it would be the three Wisemen and the camel. The camel is very large and beautifully painted. The set includes a camel driver as well. I added the two German composition camels. Another very unusual piece to this Nativity set is the palm tree with its wax leaves. It is so fragile and the only person that is allowed to touch it is me!
We are under a blizzard warning until tomorrow night. It rained a bit before the snow hit so the trees are just beautiful. I'm going to try my hand at "Winter Wonderland" pictures tomorrow. I spent most of the day decorating my tree in the living room with my antique ornaments. I have put several hundred ornaments on and only have about 100 more to go. I can hardly wait to share photos.
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